The House of Helen

Corra Harris

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Beschreibung zu „The House of Helen“

"Mrs. Adams' reflections were strangely mixed, what with that sundown feeling she had of her own youth and the anxieties of a mother growing stronger every moment. She would like to know, for example, if Helen had seen George Cutter. Had she gone by the bank for the pass book? But even when she caught sight of this book lying on the dresser, with the ends of many checks sticking out of it, she did not put the question. Love is a wound too painful to be dressed with the tenderest words when it is first made, much less scraped with a question. She was, over and above her emotions as a woman and a mother, fairly well satisfied with the situation. She inferred that George and Helen had had some sort of passage at arms. And she did not suppose that any man in or out of his senses could actually resist for long a girl of Helen's soft charm. Mothers have their pride, you understand. This one was shrewd, eminently practical. You must be, to deal with youth at this stage…" "The House of Helen" is a romantic novel set in a small American town.


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