Architecture and Democracy

Claude Fayette Bragdon

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Beschreibung zu „Architecture and Democracy“

In his seminal work, 'Architecture and Democracy,' Claude Fayette Braydon argues that America's architectural forms must break away from the classical and Gothic influences of the past and embrace a form that truly reflects the ideals of democracy. He takes us on a journey through the concrete jungles of cities like New York, where towering structures are symbols of financial power and materialism. Braydon laments the loss of communal spirit in society and suggests that this can only be regained by embracing architecture that celebrates light and organic forms. He argues that the true test of good architectural form lies in its ability to evoke a sense of comradeship and strength, even in the most trying of circumstances, as he witnesses in the camaraderie of soldiers during times of hardship. Only then can democracy truly be reflected in the built environment.


Good Press




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