The Management of Service Business

Christian M. Wegner

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Beschreibung zu „The Management of Service Business“

By focusing on the management aspects of the service business for large systems and installations, this book aims at closing the gap in technical literature regarding this subject. It covers all relevant management aspects of this business, like strategy, planning, sales, competition, contracts, and operations. It further gives hints for setting up an international service business and explains the role of of technology and innovation.
The book addresses systems and installation companies and their service departments, providing them guidance on how to improve the capitalization on the service opportunities yielded by their own installations and to establish service as a strong business pillar generating solid revenues. Target readers are also customers who operate large systems and installations to help them in finding the best possible service provider for their technical assets. For both, the book gives advice on how to establish a trustful customer-supplier relationship. Finally, the book addresses young people at the starting point of a manager career in the field of technical services.


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