Light and Truth

The Bridge between Physics and Religion

Christian Göcke

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Beschreibung zu „Light and Truth“

Who am I? Where do I come from? And where am I going? Eventually, most people will deal with these questions. What is the meaning and purpose of mortal life? Who is God and has He always existed? We humans observe the universe on a starry summer night and are amazed at how everything moves in such a perfect order. We look at the plant world in its infinite beauty and ask about evolution or creation. Is it all just a coincidence or is there a plan behind it?
We marvel at the diversity of the animals and feel deep affection for them. Deep in our hearts, we recognize in all these things a perfect and creative Creator. We cannot explain it, we can only marvel and enjoy this beautiful world. But still, we long for answers.
In this book we will try to give any. It builds a bridge between physics and religion and describes the course of creation, as well as the meaning and purpose of life. Eventually, we arrive at a loving Heavenly Father and His plan of happiness.


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