Queen Elizabeth

Charles Williams

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Beschreibung zu „Queen Elizabeth“

"The life of Elizabeth I represents, in English history, the longest and most spectacular period of a change in society. That change began before her. It was the change from a society directed, at any rate in theory, by a metaphysical idea, to a society directed, both in theory and practice, by nothing but he continual pressure of events. It is a change completed in our day." The biographical novel 'Queen Elizabeth' celebrates the life and times of the famous 16th century Queen of England and Ireland. Author Charles Williams, a theologian and avowed member of the Church of England looks positively at the contributions of her reign, not least her role in the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the supreme governor, a title still held by the British monarch to this day. The remarkable achievements of her reign, coupled with the favorable report by historians in later ages has given rise to a cult like following of Elizabeth among some.


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