At Love's Cost

Charles Garvice

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Beschreibung zu „At Love's Cost“

In the romantic novel 'At Love's Cost' by Charles Garvice, readers are transported to the elegant and emotional world of Victorian England. With beautiful prose and intricate character development, Garvice explores themes of love, sacrifice, and societal expectations. The novel's blend of romance and drama showcases Garvice's talent for capturing the complexities of human relationships and the struggles faced by individuals in a rigid society. Set against the backdrop of elaborate balls and sprawling estates, 'At Love's Cost' is a captivating tale that will resonate with readers who enjoy historical fiction and romance novels. Charles Garvice, a prolific and popular author in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, drew inspiration from his own tumultuous personal life to create compelling stories that continue to captivate readers today. His keen insight into human nature and his ability to craft engaging narratives have solidified his legacy as a master of romantic fiction. I highly recommend 'At Love's Cost' to readers who appreciate beautifully written historical romances with richly drawn characters and emotionally charged plotlines. Garvice's timeless prose and immersive storytelling make this novel a must-read for fans of classic literature and romance genres.


Good Press




ca. 439





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