Speculations from Political Economy

Charles Baron Clarke

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Beschreibung zu „Speculations from Political Economy“

Speculations from Political Economy is a series of nine essays on political economy written by Charles Baron Clarke. Clarke was a British botanist and expert of agriculture and trade. Excerpt: "Political economists have not overlooked efficiency of labour: they have underestimated its importance in the opinion of Edward Wilson, who has supplied me with the examples and arguments that follow and who has verbally given me leave to publish as much as I like. The English workman, especially in a country town of moderate size, regards capital as unlimited, employment ("work") as limited. A wall six feet high is to be built along the length of a certain garden: if one bricklayer is employed, the fewer bricks he lays daily the more days' employment he will get; if several bricklayers are employed, the fewer bricks one lays daily the more employment is left for the others. It thus appears that the more inefficient the labourer is, the better for himself, his fellow-handicraftsmen, and for "labour" in general: the more money is drawn from the capitalist."


Good Press




ca. 60





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