The Tapestry Room Murder

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Tapestry Room Murder“

This is a mystery novel that revolves around the murder of Gaylord Homer. Homer intends to marry Diana Kittredge. But there is another woman, Marita Moore vying for his love. The people at New Warwick have learned to adapt to the 'dark time.' The dark time is a brief nightly blackout induced by the town's power supply switching between generators. During a party at Twin Towers, Gaylord Homer's country estate, there was a brief blackout. However, When the lights come back on, the guests quickly realize that someone has used the brief darkness to murder their host. Who is responsible for Gaylord Homer's murder? His fiancée, Diana Kittredge, or her rival, Marita Moore? Flemming stone is invited to investigate the mystery of Gaylord Homer's murder.


Good Press




ca. 195





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