Childhood Essentials Library - Carolyn Wells Edition: 29 Novels & 150+ Poems, Stories, Fables & Charades for Children (Illustrated)

Patty Fairfield Series, Marjorie Maynard Collection, Two Little Women Trilogy, Mother Goose's Menagerie, The Jingle Book, A Phenomenal Fauna, The Seven Ages of Childhood, Children of Our Town…

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Childhood Essentials Library - Carolyn Wells Edition: 29 Novels & 150+ Poems, Stories, Fables & Charades for Children (Illustrated)“

This carefully crafted ebook: "Childhood Essentials Library - Carolyn Wells Edition: 29 Novels & 150+ Poems, Stories, Fables & Charades for Children (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents:
Patty Fairfield Series
Patty Fairfield
Patty at Home
Patty's Summer Days
Patty in Paris
Patty's Friends
Patty's Success
Patty's Motor Car
Patty's Butterfly Days
Patty's Social Season
Patty's Suitors
Patty's Fortune
Patty Blossom
Patty and Azalea
Marjorie Maynard Series
Marjorie's Vacation
Marjorie's Busy Days
Marjorie's New Friend
Marjorie's Maytime
Marjorie at Seacote
Two Little Women Trilogy
Two Little Women
Two Little Women and Treasure House
Two Little Women on a Holiday
Other Novels
The Dorrance Domain
Betty's Happy Year
Dick and Dolly
The Staying Guest
Ptomaine Street: A Tale of Warble Petticoat
The Emily Emmins Papers
The Lover's Baedeker and Guide to Arcady
Mother Goose's Menagerie
The Jingle Book
A Phenomenal Fauna
The Seven Ages of Childhood
Children of Our Town
Girls and Gayety
Christmas Carollin'
At the Sign of the Sphinx
Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American writer and poet. She is known for her Patty Fairfield series of novels for young girls.






ca. 4458





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