It was a child wrapped tightly in bandages

Backgrounds and origins of tight swaddling cloths, wrapping Babies into Bandages, wrapped Jesus-Baby

Brigid Vastarte

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Beschreibung zu „It was a child wrapped tightly in bandages“

Have you also sometimes wondered why the "Jesus child" in the manger is often depicted wrapped in cloths and bandage like a mummy?

Also the author asked herself this question and found out something amazing. This swaddling - also known as wrapping, fatschen or pucken - goes back several thousand years. In order to drive a wedge between mother and child, the babies were wrapped in bandages so tightly immediately after birth that they could no longer move freely. This cruel wrapping of newborns, in the early days of patriarchy, was recommended by doctors for a long time (e.g. in midwifery books), was still common in elite circles (nobles) up to the 19th century and now seems to be promoted again.

The author thought it was time to inform people about the background, origin and damage to society.

The book has numerous color pictures.


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