Our Master: Thoughts for Salvationists about Their Lord

Bramwell Booth

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Beschreibung zu „Our Master: Thoughts for Salvationists about Their Lord“

"Be the demands of the coming years what they may, God is able to raise up men to meet them, men after His own likeness--men of right, men of light, men of might--men who will follow Him in the desperate fight with the hydra-headed monsters of evil of every kind, and who will, by His Name, deliver the souls of men from the slavery of sin and the Hell to which it leads." 'Our Master: Thoughts for Salvationists about Their Lord' is an inspirational book by William Bramwell Booth, reminding Christians of their hope and duty in faith. Bramwell was a Salvation Army officer, Christian and British charity worker who was the first Chief of Staff and the second General of The Salvation Army. He succeeded his father, William Booth, the legendary founder of the movement.


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