Renshaw Fanning's Quest: A Tale of the High Veldt

Bertram Mitford

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Beschreibung zu „Renshaw Fanning's Quest: A Tale of the High Veldt“

Renshaw Fanning's Quest by Bertram Mitford is about cowboy Renshaw Fanning's hard-edged life in the south of Africa. Excerpt: "Just consider! You would soon get to hate me. I should be the ruin of you." Thus the owner of the bright, sparkling face that was turned, half mockingly, half ruefully, upon that of her companion. Looking out killingly from under the broad-brimmed hat, the dark, lustrous eyes seemed to melt into his. "How can you say such a thing?" was the reply, in the deep, half-tremulous tone of a man who is in dead earnest. "How can you say such a thing?" he repeated involuntarily, driving a spur into his horse's flank with a dig that made that spirited animal curvet and prances beneath the restraining curb."


Good Press




ca. 218





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