Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria

Barlow Cumberland

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Beschreibung zu „Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria“

Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Barlow Cumberland is a record of the celebration in England's New Zealand, Australian, and South African colonies to commemorate Queen Victoria's new reign. Excerpt: "Parade Service of H. M. Forces, Societies and Citizens at Beacon Hill. The Services of the day will commence in the Colonies of New Zealand and Australia, where Services have been arranged, afterward in South Africa, and so will follow the sun westward. Upon the sun crossing the ocean and reaching the continent of America, the brethren in St. Johns, Newfoundland, will re-commence the anthem, which will then be taken up in succession, across the continent through Canada, as the precise time reaches each, from the Atlantic to the Pacific."


Good Press




ca. 3





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