The Coming Conquest of England

August Niemann

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Beschreibung zu „The Coming Conquest of England“

In this book, August Niemann, a renowned German patriot and visionary, paints a possible future based on the world's status quo prior to World War I. In 'The Coming Conquest of England', Niemann explores the potential for Germany to rise as a global power, abandoning its European preoccupations and forging a path towards empire-building akin to the British and French. With meticulous detail and unwavering optimism, Niemann envisions a world where Russia and France align against their own interests to aid Germany in its pursuit of dominance, ultimately resulting in a victorious outcome. This gripping narrative offers insights into the brutal realities of the First and Second World Wars, the tragic genocide in German Southwest Africa, and the pivotal events that led to Britain's involvement.


Good Press




ca. 307





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