Two classic novels ENTJ will love

Frances Hodgson Burnett Victor Hugo August Nemo


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Beschreibung zu „Two classic novels ENTJ will love“

ENTJs are natural born leaders and, while they're intuitive, they like to deal with life rationally. In this book you will find two classic novels specially selected to please the tastes of the ENTJ. These are works by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality.
For ENTJ, we chose:

- Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.
- The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our collection 7 Short Stories your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love!

Über Frances Hodgson Burnett

Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) fue una escritora estadounidense de origen británico. Su éxito llegó con la literatura infantil con obras como El pequeño lord (1885) (llevada al cine como El pequeño Lord Fauntleyroy) consolidándose posteriormente con La princesita (1905) y El jardín secreto (1910), completando así su trilogía para niños.


Tacet Books




ca. 1901





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