The Confessions of Artemas Quibble

Ingenuous and Unvarnished History of a Practitioner in New York Criminal Courts

Arthur Cheney Train

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Beschreibung zu „The Confessions of Artemas Quibble“

"The Confessions of Artemas Quibble" tells the tale of the early 20th-century law and order, as recounted by a shady and successful New York criminal lawyer. The story begins with Quibble's reminiscences of his early life and how he decided to practice law, and later moves on to a series of anecdotes about his cases and descriptions of numerous tricks, sophistries and sundry artifices used by infamous shyster lawyers.
Arthur Cheney Train (1875-1945) was an American lawyer and writer of legal thrillers, particularly known for his novels of courtroom intrigue and the creation of the fictional lawyer Mr. Ephraim Tutt, a wily old lawyer who supported the common man and always had a trick up his sleeve to right the law's injustices. Train wrote a number of novels and short stories inspired by his parallel career as a lawyer in private practice and a New York County District Attorney.


Musaicum Books




ca. 145





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