Folk-Lore and Legends: North American Indian


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Beschreibung zu „Folk-Lore and Legends: North American Indian“

"Folk-Lore and Legends: North American Indian" by anonymous contains a collection of tales from several different Native American Indian cultures. The book is appropriate for readers of all ages and contains the following stories: Moowis, The Girl who Married the Pine-tree, A Legend of Manabozho, Pauppukkeewis, The Discovery of the Upper World, The Boy who Snared the Sun, The Maid in the Box, The Spirits and the Lovers, The Wonderful Rod, The Funeral Fire, The Legend of O-na-wut-a-qut-o, Manabozho in the Fish's Stomach, The Sun and the Moon, The Snail and the Beaver, The Strange Guests, Manabozho and his Toe, The Girl who Became a Bird, The Undying Head, The Old Chippeway, Mukumik! Mukumik! Mukumik!, The Swing by the Lake, The Fire Plume, The Journey to the Island of Souls, Machinitou, the Evil Spirit, The Woman of Stone, The Maiden who Loved a Fish, The Lone Lightning, Aggo-dah-gauda, Piqua, The Evil Maker, Manabozho the Wolf, The Man-fish.


Good Press




ca. 133





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