Inspector Furnival's Most Mysterious Cases

Intriguing Golden Age Mysteries

Annie Haynes

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Beschreibung zu „Inspector Furnival's Most Mysterious Cases“

The Abbey Court Murder – Lady Judith Carew finds herself in the middle of a gruesome murder at the Abbey Court and all the clues point at her direction. Is she the real murderer or is it someone else?
The House in Charlton Crescent – Lady Anne is herself at the receiving end of a puzzling murder mystery when the killer strikes her for hiring a private detective. Would Inspector Furnival be able to solve the mystery of the double murders and find the criminal before it's too late?
The Crow's Inn Tragedy – A famous lawyer is strangled in his own office and a notorious gang of criminals is at large. What do they want and how would Inspector Furnival foil their evil plot?
Annie Haynes (1865-1929) was a renowned golden age mystery writer and a contemporary of Agatha Christie, another famous crime writer, which often led to her comparison with the latter, and unfavourably so. Haynes's fictions are now lauded for their quick-pace action and sustaining aura of suspense till the end.


Musaicum Books




ca. 594





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