THE CRIME AT TATTENHAM CORNER – Murder Mystery for Inspector Stoddart (Thriller Classic)

From the Renowned Author of The Bungalow Mystery, The Blue Diamond, The Abbey Court Murder and Who Killed Charmian Karslake?

Annie Haynes

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This carefully crafted ebook: "THE CRIME AT TATTENHAM CORNER – Murder Mystery for Inspector Stoddart (Thriller Classic)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
The Crime at Tattenham Corner – A gruesome death just before an important horse race looks out of place until Inspector Stoddart is called in to look into the matter. Is there an angle of rivalry or something more?
Annie Haynes (1865-1929) was a renowned golden age mystery writer and a contemporary of Agatha Christie, another famous crime writer, which often led to her comparison with the latter, and unfavourably so. Haynes's fictions are now lauded for their quick-pace action and sustaining aura of suspense till the end.






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