Who will save Tricolour Country

Angie Pfeiffer

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Beschreibung zu „Who will save Tricolour Country“

Every morning, just before sunrise, King Fabulus from Tricolour Country climbs to the highest pinnacle of his castle and raises his red, yellow and blue ringed magic wand. Then a thick beam of paint is released from its tip, bringing the colours to the people. But one day wizard Shadowraven steals the magic wand. He cannot stand bright colours and wants the whole world to look grey. Immediately, King Fabulus takes off in a hot air balloon to retrieve the wand. He soon finds out that three children from Tricoulor Country have smuggled themselves into his balloon. They want to help the King to get back the wand.

Über Angie Pfeiffer

Angie Pfeiffer,
in Gelsenkirchen geboren, lebt heute mit ihrem Mann, 4 Söhnen, 2 Dackeln und einer Katze im Münsterland.

Bisher veröffentlicht: 4 Romane, darunter Ruhrpottadel (autobiografischer Roman), ein Kinderbuch, 18 eBooks, zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten in Anthologien und Litera-turzeitschriften, sowie der Tagespresse.

Home: angie-pfeiffer.com


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