Method for Bass and Contrabass Tuba - e-Book 1

in major

Angelo Piazzini

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Beschreibung zu „Method for Bass and Contrabass Tuba - e-Book 1“

The present “Method for Bass and Contrabass Tuba” provides daily exercises for the pupil which are conceived for a progressive and gradual advancement in the academic course of study of the tuba at the Conservatory. My decades of experience in the field of musical and instrumental teaching, led me to perfect this series of exercises; they are an excellent support as well as a useful guide for the pupil, the student, or the professional that will perform them. As usual, I leave full freedom and total discretion in the execution of these to the musician that will play them. Good study to all! Angelo Piazzini - Method for Bass and Contrabass Tuba - Exercises in Major. E-book published by Glissato Edizioni Musicali -


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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