The King's Warrant

A Story of Old and New France

Alfred H. Engelbach

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Beschreibung zu „The King's Warrant“

The King's Warrant is a closer look at the struggle for the development of a new country after America declared its independence from Britain. Alfred H. Engelbach talks about the fights between New England and New France, and what came from the conflict between colonies. Excerpt: "There were, nevertheless, some circumstances in the case which led reflecting men to think that even were the troops of France commanded by another Marshal Saxe the victory might yet be doubtful. The exploits of Anson, Hawke, Boscawen, and Warren, both previously to the peace, and now again immediately on the resumption of hostilities, had established almost beyond question England's superiority at sea, and this could scarcely fail to be of incalculable advantage in a contest which would make it necessary to transport and convey land forces to a distant theatre of war."


Good Press




ca. 186





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