The Last Vendee or, the She-Wolves of Machecoul

Alexandre Dumas


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Beschreibung zu „The Last Vendee or, the She-Wolves of Machecoul“

The Gratitude of Kings.
The Twins.
How Jean Oullier, coming to see the Marquis for an Hour, would be there still if they had not both been in their Grave these ten years.
A Litter of Wolves.
The Wounded Hare.
Monsieur Michel.
The Baronne de la Logerie.
Galon-d'or and Allégro.
In which Things do not Happen precisely as Baron Michel Dreamed they would.
The Foster-father.
Noblesse Oblige.
A Distant Cousin.
An Unseasonable Hour.
Courtin's Diplomacy.
The Tavern of Aubin Courte-Joie.
The Man from La Logerie.
The Fair at Montaigu.
The Outbreak.
Jean Oullier's Resources.
Fetch! Pataud, fetch!
To whom the Cottage belonged.
How Marianne Picaut mourned her Husband.
In which Love lends Political Opinions to those who have none.
The Springs of Baugé.
The Guests at Souday.
In which the Marquis de Souday bitterly regrets that Petit-Pierre is not a Gentleman.
The Vendéans of 1832.
The Warning.
My Old Crony Loriot.
The General eats a Supper which had not been Prepared for him.
In which Maître Loriot's Curiosity is not exactly satisfied.
The Tower Chamber.
Which ends quite otherwise than as Mary expected.
Blue and White.
Which shows that it is not for Flies only that Spiders' Webs are dangerous.
In which the Daintiest Foot of France and of Navarre finds that Cinderella's Slipper does not fit it as well as Seven-league Boots.
Petit-Pierre makes the best Meal he ever made in his Life.
Equality in Death.
The Search.
In which Jean Oullier speaks his mind About young Baron Michel.
Baron Michel becomes Bertha's Aide-de-camp.
Maître Jacques and his Rabbits.
The Danger of Meeting bad Company in the Woods.
Maître Jacques proceeds to keep the Oath he made to Aubin Courte-Joie.

Über Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870) erhielt nur eine dürftige Schulbildung, feierte aber schon 1824 rauschende Erfolge als Theaterautor. Ab 1844 schuf er mit Abenteuerromanen wie «Die drei Musketiere» und «Der Graf von Monte Christo» Klassiker der Unterhaltungsliteratur. Ihm werden zahllose Affären nachgesagt.






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