Alexander Zirkelbach

Alexander Zirkelbach was born in Innsbruck on 13 September 1971 and grew up in Vienna as the eldest of three siblings. At the age of 28, he moved to Brazil and worked there as an internet marketing specialist. In 2015, he first became involved with the idea of an unconditional basic income. Even as a teenager, Alexander Zirkelbach dreamed of ending global poverty. His own experiences with poverty and the resulting deep awareness for a humane society shaped him early on to find ways to make the goal of a peaceful, just and highly developed society possible - in which poverty and inequality no longer exist. After 18 years in Brazil, he returned to Austria in 2017, where he intensified his activities around unconditional basic income by launching the UBI!-NOW movement, publishing an international basic income model called UBI+ and later publishing the model "UBI Austria" with the Academy of Basic Income Consciousness in order to launch a citizens' initiative on it in 2021. The following year, he went one better and planned a worldwide account for the benefit of all with an unconditional monthly transfer and wants to make the unconditional basic income visible and tangible for every person on this planet. This first prototype is also intended to introduce people to the idea of a new way of creating money (neutral money system) in order to show a sustainable way to implement an unconditional basic income.

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