Men We Meet in the Field; or, The Bullshire Hounds

A. G. Bagot

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Beschreibung zu „Men We Meet in the Field; or, The Bullshire Hounds“

"Men We Meet in the Field; or, The Bullshire Hounds" is a celebration of the English national sport of hunting. The informational novel is a treatise on the different people that contribute to hunting, from the traders of horses and hounds, the keepers of the stables and kennels, and the masters of the great households where the tradition is kept. Author A. G. Bagot, himself a sportsman aims to draw with his pen some portraits of those with whom he yearly rode. He says, "To do this the more concisely, I propose to describe the field, subscribers, visitors, and others, who are to be found at the meets from the 1st of November to the end of April, and who go to make up the members of that justly celebrated pack—the Bullshire Hounds. Before individualizing, however, it will be necessary to give a short history of the hunt, with a brief outline of the country, and its gradual growth…"


Good Press




ca. 154





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