Impressions of England; or, Sketches of English Scenery and Society

A. Cleveland Coxe

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Beschreibung zu „Impressions of England; or, Sketches of English Scenery and Society“

Arthur Cleveland Coxe aimed to present a delightful record of the pleasures that travel in England afforded him. His carefree mingling with the English community and interesting interactions during his travels contribute to his understanding of the place. The author paints a beautiful picture of the sights and scenery in this travel guide and includes details on England's history, culture, and society. He interests the readers with unknown facts about less explored places and speaks freely of several famous personalities, both Whigs and Tories, without any prejudice. The distinctive and characteristic merits of English civilization during the period are portrayed excellently throughout the book. Coxe focused mainly on the brighter side of Great Britain as the evils of this society were already out in the open for people to learn.


Good Press




ca. 399





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