The Heart of Midlothian

Sir Walter Scott

Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „The Heart of Midlothian“

The Heart of Midlothian is the seventh of Sir Walter Scott's Waverley Novels. It was originally published in four volumes on 25 July 1818, under the title of Tales of My Landlord, 2nd series, and the author was given as "Jedediah Cleishbotham, Schoolmaster and Parish-clerk of Gandercleugh". Although the identity of the author of the Waverley Novels was well known by this time, Scott still chose to write under a pseudonym. The book was released only seven months after the highly successful Rob Roy. Scott was at the time recovering from illness, and wrote at an even more furious pace than usual. When the book was released, it more than matched the popularity of his last novel.
The Heart of Midlothian is often regarded as Scott's finest novel. Much of the dialogue is in Lowland Scots, and some editions carry a glossary.

Über Sir Walter Scott

Sir Walter Scott (* 15. August 1771 in Edinburgh; † 21. September 1832 in Abbotsford) war ein schottischer Dichter und Schriftsteller.

Er war einer der – nicht nur in Europa – meistgelesenen Autoren seiner Zeit.

Viele seiner historischen Romane sind Klassiker geworden und haben als Vorlage für zahlreiche Schauspiele, Opern und Filme gedient.







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