Family Shepherds (By the author of Family Driven Faith)

Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes

Voddie Baucham Jr.

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Family Shepherds (By the author of Family Driven Faith)“

God has mandated the transfer of his truth from one generation to the next. Because this transfer takes place primarily in the home, Voddie Baucham Jr. seeks to guide men in faithfully shepherding their families.
Derived from Baucham's monthly meetings with men in his church, Family Shepherds calls men to accountability for their God-given responsibilities as husbands and fathers. This book will inspire them to live better, love better, and lead better so that their families will thrive in every way.
Baucham's clear style and practical approach will help men protect their marriage, raise kingdom-minded children, value the synergy between church and home, and navigate difficult family dynamics. It will inspire them to carefully evaluate and live out their role in all areas of life.
Family Shepherds is a book that every father needs and that every church will want as a resource for training the men in their congregations.






ca. 156





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