The Boke of Noblesse

Addressed to King Edward the Fourth on His Invasion of France in 1475

Various John Gough Nichols

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Beschreibung zu „The Boke of Noblesse“

"The Boke of Noblesse: Addressed to King Edward the Fourth on His Invasion of France in 1475" by various and edited by John Gough Nichols
Though the Treaty of Picquigny peace treaty was negotiated on 29 August 1475 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France, much political strife led to it. It followed an invasion of France by Edward IV of England in alliance with Burgundy and Brittany. This book was, in fact, first addressed to King Edward the Fourth for a political purpose. The text has an unknown author but was meant to let the king know what the stance of the nobles and the common people was regarding the conflict with France.


Good Press




ca. 191





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