Circus Life and Circus Celebrities

Thomas Frost

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Beschreibung zu „Circus Life and Circus Celebrities“

Circus Life and Circus Celebrities presents an exciting account of the lives of some well-known personalities in the circus during late 19th century England. The book is full of engaging reminiscences and adventures of the lives of celebrities in the field, including Philip Astley, Andrew Ducrow, Van Amburgh, John and George Sanger, and many more. The author interests the readers by describing some fascinating tricks and performances of the circus during the period. The book contains vivid descriptions of the methods of training and practicing used in the circus, such as animal training, gymnastics training, rope dance practice, etc.

English writer and journalist Thomas Frost has attempted to present a fresh perspective of the circus and its people. He portrays them not as poor and deprived but as talented and respectable individuals who prospered in their field.


Good Press




ca. 203





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