Wolf-Cap; or, The Night-Hawks of the Fire-Lands: A Tale of the Bloody Fort

T. C. Harbaugh

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Beschreibung zu „Wolf-Cap; or, The Night-Hawks of the Fire-Lands: A Tale of the Bloody Fort“

In 'Wolf-Cap; or, The Night-Hawks of the Fire-Lands: A Tale of the Bloody Fort', T. C. Harbaugh delves into the dangerous world of frontier warfare during the colonial period. The book is intricately detailed with vivid descriptions of the brutal conflicts between settlers and Native American tribes. Harbaugh's literary style is characterized by its gritty realism and historical accuracy, capturing the harsh realities faced by those living on the edge of civilization. The novel is a gripping adventure filled with suspense, action, and moral dilemmas, making it a compelling read for fans of historical fiction. Set in the Fire-Lands of Ohio, the story explores themes of survival, loyalty, and the impact of cultural misunderstandings. Harbaugh's portrayal of the characters and their motivations adds depth to the narrative, immersing readers in the complex world of the frontier. As an author with a background in American history, Harbaugh brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing, offering readers a nuanced and insightful perspective on the historical events depicted in the book. 'Wolf-Cap; or, The Night-Hawks of the Fire-Lands' is a must-read for anyone interested in the turbulent history of the colonial era and the challenges faced by those who dared to venture into the untamed wilderness of America.


Good Press




ca. 94





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