The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt

An Illustrated and Detailed Account of the Early Organisation and Work of the Australian Medical Units in Egypt in 1914-1915

Sir James W. Barrett P. E. Deane

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Beschreibung zu „The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt“

"The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt: An Illustrated and Detailed Account of the Early Organisation and Work of the Australian Medical Units in Egypt in 1914-1915" by Sir James W. Barrett and P. E. Deane offers readers a compelling historical perspective on the critical role played by the Australian Army Medical Corps during World War I. Through meticulous research and firsthand accounts, the authors provide a comprehensive overview of the organization's formation, challenges, and contributions in Egypt. The inclusion of illustrations adds depth to the narrative, allowing readers to visually connect with the experiences of the medical units and the soldiers they served.


Good Press




ca. 170





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