Packer on the Christian Life

Knowing God in Christ, Walking by the Spirit

Sam Storms

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Beschreibung zu „Packer on the Christian Life“

Widely recognized as a pillar of 20th-century evangelicalism, J. I. Packer has had a profound impact on millions of Christians living today. Now in his late eighties, Packer still exerts an enormous influence on pastors and laypeople around the world through his many books, articles, and recorded lectures—works that overflow with spiritual wisdom related to the Christian life. In the latest addition to Crossway's growing Theologians on the Christian Life series, well-known pastor Sam Storms examines Packer's legacy when it comes to the Christian and sanctification. Whether exploring Packer's insights into prayer, Bible study, the sovereignty of God, or the Christian's fight against sin, this accessible book offers readers the chance to learn from the best of Packer's thinking on what true godliness really entails.
Part of the Theologians on the Christian Life series.






ca. 230





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