Quiet Talks on Service

S. D. Gordon

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Beschreibung zu „Quiet Talks on Service“

'Quiet Talks on Service' is part of the 'Quiet Talks on …' series of books on practical aspects of the Christian faith by the Evangelical lay minister Samuel Dickey Gordon. In this installment, Gordon looks at both the duty and opportunity to serve one's fellows. As he points out, "Some may go to those far distant lands where Jesus is not known, where the need of Him is so pathetically great. These are the most highly favored in the privilege of service accorded them. Many others have been left free of the necessity of earning bread and home and clothing and so have a rare opportunity of devoting themselves to the going, as the Spirit of Jesus guides. Many are given the talent to earn easily, and so, if they will, may give much strength to service. The great majority everywhere and always are absorbed for most of the waking hours of the day in earning something to eat, and something to wear, and somewhere to sleep. Yet where there is the warm touch with Jesus there will come the yearning for purity, and the life of service."


Good Press




ca. 128





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