Ludvig Holberg, The Founder of Norwegian Literature and an Oxford Student

S. C. Hammer

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Beschreibung zu „Ludvig Holberg, The Founder of Norwegian Literature and an Oxford Student“

"Ludvig Holberg, The Founder of Norwegian Literature and an Oxford Student" by S. C. Hammer is an extensive and meticulously researched biography that offers a comprehensive exploration of the life, accomplishments, and cultural significance of Ludvig Holberg. From his formative years as an Oxford student to his groundbreaking contributions to Norwegian literature, Hammer delves deep into Holberg's experiences, intellectual pursuits, and literary legacy. This engaging narrative sheds light on the intricate connections between Holberg's education, his exposure to European ideas, and his role in shaping Norwegian cultural identity. With its detailed analysis and scholarly approach, this book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the life and works of Ludvig Holberg.


Good Press




ca. 32





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