Memoir of the Late William Thompson, Esq.

President of the Natural and Philosophical Society of Belfast

Robert Patterson

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Beschreibung zu „Memoir of the Late William Thompson, Esq.“

Our author, born 2nd of November, 1805, was the eldest son of a Belfast merchant, then extensively engaged in the linen trade; and, being intended by his parents for the same business, he received such an education as was at the time considered suitable for commercial life. In 1821 he was apprenticed to a highly respectable firm in the linen business, the staple trade of the North of Ireland. The senior partner of that firm, himself a keen sportsman, has survived the subject of the present memoir, and is not unfrequently referred to in the volumes on " The Birds of Ire- land," as an authority on their habits.


Good Press




ca. 23





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