The Prospector: A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass

Ralph Connor

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Beschreibung zu „The Prospector: A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass“

The Prospector is an adventure novels that starts off in the vibrant life of a Canadian college. For the past four years the beautiful Rosedale home of the Fairbanks had been the rendezvous for students, and, as many of these had been football men, the young ladies of the household had become as devoted to the game and almost as expert in its fine points as any of its champions. Footballers Shock, Brown and 'The Don' are among the frequent visitors. And when a missionary comes to the college, his sermon inspires them, some more than others. It seems the socially awkward Shock may have found his calling at last as he sets out for the West…


Good Press




ca. 283





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