The King's Minion

Rafael Sabatini

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Beschreibung zu „The King's Minion“

"The King's Minion" is a historical novel centered in the court of King James I of England, and the rise and fall of Robert Carr of Ferniehurst, Earl of Sommerset, a favorite of the king. The book traces Carr's rise in the period after the famous Gunpowder Treason Plot of 1605, a time when the king's court had been greatly shaken. The event of his first encounter with the king at a horse riding event after a fall from his horse is given. Subsequently he made great strides in James's court rising to various prominent positions including that of Lord Chamberlain. The book also relates the tale of how he obtained Frances Howard, Countess of Essex, as his wife after first having an affair with her while she was still married. But his downfall came after his falling out with the king, culminating in his removal from court and subsequent trial for his role in the murder of Thomas Overbury, formerly his close friend. Given 'The Minion's' more tragic tone, it may have been Sabatini's divorce from his first wife in 1931 that tainted his normally optimistic, hero-wins-out writing style.


Good Press




ca. 352





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