
Women of Genesis (A Novel)

Orson Scott Card

Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „Rebekah“

Rebekah, book two in New York Times bestselling author Orson Scott Card's Women of Genesis series—a unique re-imagining of the biblical tale.

Born into a time and place where a woman speaks her mind at her peril, and reared as a motherless child by a doting father, Rebekah grew up to be a stunning, headstrong beauty. She was chosen by God for a special destiny.

Rebekah leaves her father's house to marry Isaac, the studious young son of the Patriarch Abraham, only to find herself caught up in a series of painful rivalries, first between her husband and his brother Ishmael, and later between her sons Jacob and Esau. Her struggles to find her place in the family of Abraham are a true test of her faith, but through it all she finds her own relationship with God and does her best to serve His cause in the lives of those she loves.

Women of Genesis
Rachel and Leah

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Über Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card, 1951 in Richland/Washington geboren, studierte englische Literatur und arbeitete als Theaterautor, bevor er sich ganz dem Schreiben von Romanen widmete. Mit „Enders Spiel“ gelang ihm auf Anhieb ein internationaler Bestseller. Die Fortsetzung „Enders Schatten“ war ebenfalls ein großer Erfolg. Card lebt mit seiner Familie in Greensboro/North Carolina.


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