The Ancients

Natalie Virginia

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Beschreibung zu „The Ancients“

BOOK ONE - promised series When a new family moves to Everett Valley, Catherine vows to find out what they are searching for in her secluded hometown that doesn't normally welcome new people. Catherine must choose between the council and her pack leader, her brother, once their safety becomes unstable and deaths rake through their home. When her Promised mate steps into her life with one, fiery sweep, he sets her life ablaze entirely. Leaving Everett Valley seems an easy choice, but life changing decisions never are. Especially because Catherine is connected to a much bigger war than the one sparking to life within Everett Valley's walls. And she certainly wasn't gifted with the power of controlling emotions for nothing. Even in war, emotions rule their leaders. And Catherine rules them all.


via tolino media




ca. 266





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