10-minutes activation with puppets

Stimulation for people with dementia

Michael Felske

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Beschreibung zu „10-minutes activation with puppets“

Activation with puppets is a wonderful way to provide stimulation for people with dementia. Through the use of puppets, the patients can experience a range of emotions and memories
that can help to improve their quality of life. When working with people with dementia, it's important to create a safe and familiar environment. Puppets can help to create this environment
by providing a sense of familiarity and comfort. Overall, activation with puppets can provide a wide range of benefits for people with dementia. It can help to stimulate their senses, provide a sense of familiarity and comfort, and engage them in a meaningful activity that can help to reduce their feelings of isolation and loneliness. If you're working with people with dementia, incorporating puppetry into your activities can be a great way to provide them with the stimulation and care they need.

(This book ist a translation of my German book "10 Minuten-Aktivierung".)


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