Gold and Incense

A West Country Story

Mark Guy Pearse

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Beschreibung zu „Gold and Incense“

"Gold and Incense" by Mark Guy Pearse is an old tale of the West Country. Mark Guy Pearse (1842 – 1930) was a Cornish Methodist preacher, lecturer, and author who, during the last quarter of the 19th century and the first of the 20th, was a household name throughout Britain and beyond.
His best-selling work Daniel Quorm and his Religious Notions was read by all levels of society. His decision in 1886 not to retire to his beloved Cornwall, but to accept the invitation of Hugh Price Hughes to join him in the West London Mission resulted in extensive tours abroad to publicize its aims and achievements, and to raise money. These tours brought him into contact with Cornish communities in North America, Australasia , and South Africa. He toured the country talking about the Forward Movement. The great British feminist Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence described him as "the strongest influence upon the first half of my life".


Good Press




ca. 22





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