White Banners

Lloyd C. Douglas

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Beschreibung zu „White Banners“

"White Banners" is a romance novel set in the American state of Indiana in the 20th century. On a snowy afternoon, Marcia Ward, a wife and mother receives a knock on the door. Outside is a pedlar, middle aged Hannah Parmalee, selling apple peelers. Asked by Mrs. Ward to come inside and warm up, Hannah sees the couple are struggling financially and are in need of some domestic help. She offers her services and becomes their cook and housekeeper for room and board. Mr. Ward, a science teacher by day, is an inventor by night attempting to create something that will provide sufficient money for his family. He takes on a young man Paul Trimble, son of the richest man in town, as his assistant. But as time goes by, Hannah's interest in the young man and her strong maternal instincts towards him raises some questions. And, eventually, the truth is revealed…


Good Press




ca. 379





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