The Jewish Manual

Practical Information in Jewish and Modern Cookery with a Collection of Valuable Recipes & Hints Relating to the Toilette

Lady Judith Cohen Montefiore Judith Cohen Lady Montefiore

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Beschreibung zu „The Jewish Manual“

The Jewish Manual is a cookbook of traditional Jewish cookery by Judith Cohen Montefiore. Montefiore was a British linguist, musician, travel writer, and philanthropist. Excerpt: "Great judgment is required in blending the different spices or other condiments, so that a fine flavour is produced without the undue preponderance of either. It is only in coarse cooking that the flavour of onions, pepper, garlic, nutmeg, and eschalot is permitted to prevail. As a general rule, salt should be used in moderation. Sugar is an improvement in nearly all soups, sauces, and gravies; also with stewed vegetables, but of course must be used with discretion. Ketchups, Soy, Harvey's sauce, &c., are used too indiscrimately by inferior cooks; it is better to leave them to be added at table by those who approve of their flavour."


Good Press




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