The Kiltartan Poetry Book; prose translations from the Irish

Lady Gregory

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Beschreibung zu „The Kiltartan Poetry Book; prose translations from the Irish“

'The Kiltartan Poetry Book' is a collection of beautifully translated Irish poems, brought to life by the talented Lady Gregory. Her eloquent prose captures the essence of each piece, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Ireland. Here's a couple of the titles featured in this book: 'The Hag of Beare', 'The Call to Bran', 'The Death of Osgar', and 'Oisin's Vision'. An excerpt from 'The Hag of Beare' is as follows: "Ebb-tide to me as to the sea; old age brings me reproach; I used to wear a shift that was always new; to-day, I have not even a cast one. It is riches you are loving, it is not men; it was men we loved in the time we were living."


Good Press




ca. 43





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