A Girl of the People

L. T. Meade

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Beschreibung zu „A Girl of the People“

Step into the world of Bet, a young girl living in the slums of Liverpool, in L.T. Meade's heartwarming novel 'A Girl of the People'. Bet's life is full of challenges: her mother is dying, her father is a drunkard, and she must care for her twin brothers. But despite the difficulties, Bet finds love with a sailor named Will. However, her father's interference threatens to tear them apart, putting Bet's promise to care for her brothers in jeopardy. Despite the melodrama, the true heart of the story lies in the friends who come to Bet and Will's aid, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak world. Follow Bet's journey as she navigates the trials and tribulations of life in the slums and discovers the power of love and loyalty. This is a compelling and heartwarming read that will stay with you long after the final page.


Good Press




ca. 170





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