Food Guide for War Service at Home

Katharine Blunt United States Food Administration Frances Lucy Swain Florence Powdermaker

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Beschreibung zu „Food Guide for War Service at Home“

During the World War I era, the Collegiate Section of the United States Food Administration was asked to prepare a simple statement about the food situation affected by the war. The statement needed to be suitable for elementary and high school teachers, high-school pupils, and the general public. The demand for this statement arose because of the wide adoption of the three courses on this subject that were being sent out weekly to universities, colleges, and normal schools throughout the country. This little volume is the response to that request, written by Katharine Blunt from the University of Chicago, Frances L. Swain from the Chicago Normal School, and Florence Powdermaker from the United States Department of Agriculture. It provides a concise summary of the food situation during World War I, with the aim of educating the public about the importance of conserving food and supporting the war effort. The book includes practical advice for households on how to conserve food, as well as information on the impact of the war on food production and distribution.


Good Press




ca. 57





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