As Others Saw Him: A Retrospect, A.D. 54

Joseph Jacobs

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Beschreibung zu „As Others Saw Him: A Retrospect, A.D. 54“

This Biographical fiction is written by Joseph Jacobs (1854 – 1916) an Australian folklorist, translator, literary critic, social scientist, historian, and writer of English literature who became a notable collector and publisher of English folklore. Jacobs is best known for scholarly and famous works on folklore as The Fables of Aesop (1894), English Fairy Tales (1890), Celtic Fairy Tales (1892), Indian Fairy Tales (1892), The Book of Wonder Voyages (1896), and Europa's Fairy Book (1916).

Contents include:

The Man with the Scourge

The Upbringing

Earlier Teaching. Sermon in the Synagogue of the Galilæans

The Two Ways

The Woman taken in Adultery. The Rich Young Man

The Testings in the Temple

The Second Sermon

The Rebuking of Jesus

Jesus in the Temple

The Entry into Jerusalem

The Cleansing of the Temple

The Woes

The Great Refusal

The Meeting of the Hananites

The Examination before the Sanhedrim

Condemnation and Execution


Good Press




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