The Destiny of Man, Viewed in the Light of His Origin

John Fiske

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Beschreibung zu „The Destiny of Man, Viewed in the Light of His Origin“

In 'The Destiny of Man, Viewed in the Light of His Origin', John Fiske presents a thought-provoking collection of essays on the origins and destiny of humanity. Beginning with the known and delving into the unknown, Fiske explores the implications of the doctrine of evolution on the progress of human society and the elimination of warfare. While he admits the subject of a future life may lie outside the range of legitimate scientific discussion, he argues that our opinions on such transcendental questions are influenced by our opinions on questions within the scope of scientific inquiry. With compelling insights and arguments, Fiske ultimately offers a message of hope and the potential for improbability in the destiny of humankind.


Good Press




ca. 53





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