Defending Hannah

Delta Force Defenders Novel

Jennifer Becker


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Beschreibung zu „Defending Hannah“

"Non stop action, drama, passion, betrayal, you name it... Excellent read!" - BookAddictStudio

Ben “Midas” Gates is the leader of his Delta Force team and is leading a mission to shut down a known terrorist working out of Panama and rescue hostages. When he arrives he discovers the mission is anything but easy and becomes even more complicated because he knows one of the hostages. It was a woman he had been in love with growing up and ran away from thirteen years ago.

The mission becomes even more dangerous when the team discovers someone set them up to fail and they don’t take failure as an option. With the aid of Hannah who has inside information on their terrorist and who may know who set them up, Ben does all in his power not to fall for the only woman he has ever loved...

If you liked this book, pre-order Guarding Cora, the upcoming new novel in the Delta Force Defenders Series.

Readers' reviews

"This is the second book I've read by this author and once again I've been totally blown away!" - ***** Goodreads review

"My first by this author and happy to say will not be my last! Great characters, lots of unexpected twists. Looking forward to next book!" - ***** Goodreads review

"Another great story from Jennifer Becker! I loved how this story was told, it captured me from the beginning and I look forward to another book from this author." - ***** Goodreads review






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